You are on my personal site, so let me tell some words about me.
My name is Natalia Sinelnik and I am... Hmm... Its complicate question who am I, because my interests are varied.
I graduate Krasnodar State University of Arts and Culture at 2004 as interior designer, work by speciality from my 4th uni's year, from 2005 till 2011 - in Moscow. I made alot of public and private interiors as hotels, restaurants, banks, cottages, homes and shops.
From 2007 till 2011 I worked as Adidas architect, so you can see in my portfolio different Adidas and Reebok shops all around Russia.
Now I do small local interiors projects.
I back to Krasnodar region at 2011 because of health issues, and found small accessories's brand "NATHINGS" which I sell on my Etsy shop and now here on my site. Part of this goods made my mom cos handmade passion is a family spirit.
Now you can buy or made custom order in ATELIER.
It was my long-standing dream - sew clothing by custom order , individual for every clients, caring of every preferences and body forms. So now I working on virtual atelier - place where you can order mostly any kind of clothing - and not only. You will need only your dimentions+photos or +3D scanning - and without fitting get it in any part of Earth.
I also paint watercolors. From all painting stiles I prefer dence and vibrant painting, mostly one layer, using full tone and vibrance.
My architectural haritage do not make me pass urbant subjects, and I always took watercolor tools into my travels. But no less then landscapes I like to paint people - portraits and illustrations.
I am selling digital copies of my art on photostocks, but you also can buy it here, in GALLERY, as an originals on paper.
I also taking custom orders.
One more my passion is a photography. Its helps to made photos to my shop and have unique photomemories from travel, burt I also making small photostories - you can see some of it on PROJECTS section.
There are also all other projects which I could not add on different sections - scrapbooking, felting, other DIY and my student's works. I am teaching children and teenagers to paint and DIY, and my site for them is their first exibition - and I hope that not last one.